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Would you purchase a Texas Freemason License Plate?

Would you buy a Masonic license plate for $30?

  • Yes

    Votes: 202 92.7%
  • No

    Votes: 16 7.3%

  • Total voters


Registered User
Guys, there is really no cost to Grand Lodge at all..... All the State requires is a deposit. After the required number of plates has been sold you get the entire deposit refunded. It's a win-win situation.

we understand that, now only if the power that be understood that..:D

Blake Bowden

we understand that, now only if the power that be understood that..:D

I've talked to a handful of Grand Lodge Officers, and they're very supportive of the idea. This past January, Brother "jwardl" mentioned that he may take up the cause. All it takes is a bit of research (which you can find here), a Past Master who will sponsor legislation and that's it. I don't know how the GL would appoint a committee to design or see this through, but there are many Brothers out there who would be eager to help.


Premium Member
Im just not sure if they HAVE the initial deposit to put down since they are asking each lodge for money to operate this year...


Registered User
How about one for my bike! I think any master mason with a M/C would likw one.

Bro. Kurt P.M.

2018 14G DCO
Premium Member
I think it's a great idea... I will be watching this thread for any progress.

it's funny for me to see this thread because I was just wondering about this a couple of days ago.

Blake Bowden

Re: Texas Freemason License Plate-Revisited

I'm hoping some little birdie will bring this up at Grand Lodge...btw...bump bump


Registered User
Re: Texas Freemason License Plate-Revisited

who you bumpin over there so i can start bumping too....have you seen the new plates...dont like them at all...will stick with my "native texan" until they come out with a TX MASON plate.


Premium Member
Re: Texas Freemason License Plate-Revisited

What is the process to get this done again? Maybe we are strong enough here to push this. If not for GLofTX then for The site. Just have a Square and Compasses on it with the www site name at the bottom. Just a thougt.


Re: Texas Freemason License Plate-Revisited

No, why would GL have an issue with using the S&C.

Blake Bowden

Re: Texas Freemason License Plate-Revisited

Because they're the ones who would have to cough up the $8k, at least initially plus designate a charity they would like to benefit from future sales.
Last edited:


Re: Texas Freemason License Plate-Revisited

I'm sorry I thought Wingnut was responding to Owls post about MasonForums getting it's own license plate.


Premium Member
Re: Texas Freemason License Plate-Revisited

GL has, in the past, had issues with any group using the S&C especially for advertising, which is pretty much what a vanity plate with a web site on it would be.


Premium Member
Re: Texas Freemason License Plate-Revisited

In Kentucky, you pay $25 for a tag that is valid for five(5) years. You pay your road tax every year, like everyone else, and you place a sticker on your license plate, to show that this year is current.

The Grand Lodge of KY gets a $7 rebate on every tag sold.

I requested my state senator to sponsor the legislation (back in 1992). The license plate program has not been very popular in KY.

I wish you every possible success, and I hope you get official state tags, soon.