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Light for new M.M



I'm a new master mason. What should I be focusing on the most right now?

Don't feel "lonely".
I've heard(read) from couple of Russian Freemasons that -- MM can have that feeling. If I've understand correctly.

Jason A. Mitchell

Premium Member
  1. Enjoying the Craft
  2. MM Catechisms
  3. Lodge Protocol
  4. Learning Ritual Parts

Learning ritual will take you farther afield in all Masonic disciplines than anything else. Ritual is the marrow in the bone, and everything else builds off of it.

Edit: By ritual I mean lectures, monitorial lessons, obligations, etc... the entirety of it. Develop a commanding master of your Ritual.


Premium Member
Do you have a mentor in Lodge ? It really depends on how your lodge is structured and about progression, but now put aside advice not to read further if you received such advice which is commonly given.

Here, my advice would be go and see degree work, make sure you hold onto what you learned in your questions and answers by revising them, learn a small charge suggested to you by the person who runs the degrees (marshal, director) so you get to deliver it.

Part depends on what your goal is (history, charity, learning, etc) but in all instances trying to develop an understanding of Freemasonry and the contents and lessons in its degrees should form one of your major goals.

(and note Ressam is a guest here who is not a Brother).


Registered User
Be wary of rushing to join apandent bodies, unless you have a particular goal in mind. There is a ton to learn in the blue lodge after you become a master mason. One of the first things I learned was the second degree charge. It is the easiest of the three charges and will impress your brothers if you take the initiative to learn it

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