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One does not always know where to turn and will often be pleasantly surprised.<br> Five weeks ago, my Cousin Jim Markwalder and I had an e-mail from the WM of Mt. Akra Lodge #680, F&AM to assist in conferring the Masonic Funeral Service for a 54 year member of Mt Akra Lodge, The WM was on a business trip in Columbus and could not get back to conduct the service, the widow had requested the Masonic Service after the deadline for the newpaper obituary and we had to phone around to find Brethren to assist in the final service to our departed brother. <br> Jim conducted the service, I acted as Chaplain plus reading the Masonic History and a Brother from a third Lodge stoodwith us. Though few in number, we made such an impression on one viewer that he came up to us after the service and asked how he could become a Mason. We had a good discussion with him and learned he lived near Mount Akra Lodge and we mentioned that the Secretary of that Lodge, William Tinker [who was not at the service as he was also temporarily out of town] would be a person to contact. We gave the questioner Brother Tinker's address and he remarked, "I know William Tinker ! I lived across the street from him for several years." <br>
Each Mason makes an impression for our Craft, hopefully leading others 2 ask one to be 1.
Each Mason makes an impression for our Craft, hopefully leading others 2 ask one to be 1.