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2B1ASK1 should be changed to 2B1ASK5

Pistol Pete

Registered User
I'm starting to get more than a little discouraged. I finally end a 2 year decision making process by picking up a petition for membership. That's when I find out that you need two Masons from that lodge to recommend you and three other Masons as references. I know the grand sum of two Masons (concidentally of that lodge), neither of which will recommend me because they are colleagues and don't know me on a personal basis.

I know, I know, some of you are thinking something must be wrong with this guy. I'm a faithful Christian married man (married 16 years) and have three beautiful children that we raise together in the Church of Christ. I am a veteran police officer of 15 years. I volunteer twice a week at a local battered women's shelter in Dallas (working with the children of domestic violence) and just recently retired from volunteer work with the Special Olympics Texas. Nobody I know has anything negative to say about me.

I've seen in another thread where I should visit a local lodge and they will sign off on the form for me. If two professional colleagues won't do it because I'm not buddies with them out of work, how are strangers going to do it?
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Founding Member
Premium Member
Visit the lodge. Meet some of the guys up there. They should be more than happy to sign for you before long. I know it seems like a beating, but it is worth it.


"Just in case"
Premium Member
hrm, interesting. it is policy at our lodge that after showing up to 3 stated meetings that we'll sign your petition (if we deem it a good thing to do, of course). do that, and i'm sure you'll get your signature.

but yea, 2b1ask5 is true, definitely :)

Pistol Pete

Registered User
Thank you for your advice. I'll give it a try and see how it goes. I met an 83 year old member of the lodge I would like to join and really do think the world of him. Even if I never become a Mason, I'm sure he and I will become good friends, so I would still come out on top. :)


Premium Member
Premium Member
If you visit with the Members of a Lodge and they are not willing to sign your petition, FIND ANOTHER LODGE. I don't think you will have to do that because most Lodges are happy to have good men who are interested in joining.


Founding Member
Premium Member
If you visit with the Members of a Lodge and they are not willing to sign your petition, FIND ANOTHER LODGE. I don't think you will have to do that because most Lodges are happy to have good men who are interested in joining.



"Just in case"
Premium Member
1 lodge is never representative of the craft as a whole, keep that in mind.


Registered User
Well maybe we do things a little different at Lodge. But if have a man come in off the streets and ask for a petition and says he knows no one. Then we sit down with him chat for about 30 mins. We give him a copy of the rooster tell him to take home look through and see if he knows anyone and to come back if he doesn't. 1/2 the time they find people they have known thier whole life but didn't know they were masons. if they don't then we will sign if for me. Maybe we rely too much on our Investigation committee but we haven't had a bad one yet that they recommended.


Premium Member
I was going to say that he might already know enough Brothers, just did not know they were Masons. Look around for the jewelry, signs etc, and see if they are with people you know. As others have said, sit and talk, or have a meal with them. If they won't take you, WE WILL!!! Well, if you pass the background :) I am a retired Peace Officer, and a few others are on here, so you are not alone at any rate, same strength, only better support.
Stay Safe


Registered User
You shouldn't have any problems with your petition. I'm shocked that no one in the police dept isn't a bro.

When I petitioned my lodge, I only knew one person, that led to meeting others. Also, I had to get two from the lodge I petitioned and five more true and lawful bros. Once you get the first two, the next three come easily and quickly.

Nate Riley

Premium Member
You shouldn't have any problems with your petition. I'm shocked that no one in the police dept isn't a bro.

When I petitioned my lodge, I only knew one person, that led to meeting others. Also, I had to get two from the lodge I petitioned and five more true and lawful bros. Once you get the first two, the next three come easily and quickly.

Sounds to me like there are two of them, but they won't sign his petition.

Pete - I assume you have asked them, I don't see how knowing you professionally and personally should make a difference when it comes to signing the petition. There are plenty of guys that I work with that I don't hang out with, but I know them well enough to sign their petitions (and a couple whose petitions I would not sign).

Where are you located?

Ben Rodriguez

Registered User
I like to chat with the prospect and get to know him before I sign his petition, all it would take from my end is a nice conversation, 10 - 30 mins or even lunch if possible. I want to know where they're from, what they do for a living, for fun, etc. And I will also be happy to share my story. Keep that in mind, next time you need a signature, we are glad to see new people come to lodge, but we also want to see what type of person we are admitting into our order.


Registered User
getting 3 signatures would not be a problem in some lodges. All that they ask is that you come before a stated meeting when everyone comes to eat, and you will have your signatures 5 min after getting there. They will ask a little bit about yourself and be more than happy to sign it.

Bro. Stewart P.M.

Lead Moderator Emeritus
Staff Member
Thank you for your advice. I'll give it a try and see how it goes. I met an 83 year old member of the lodge I would like to join and really do think the world of him. Even if I never become a Mason, I'm sure he and I will become good friends, so I would still come out on top. :)

Well Pete you are correct, the worst case senerio is still a winner. I am certain however that you will find a Lodge happy to have you as a Brother.

Well maybe we do things a little different at Lodge. But if have a man come in off the streets and ask for a petition and says he knows no one. Then we sit down with him chat for about 30 mins. We give him a copy of the rooster tell him to take home look through and see if he knows anyone and to come back if he doesn't. 1/2 the time they find people they have known thier whole life but didn't know they were masons. if they don't then we will sign if for me. Maybe we rely too much on our Investigation committee but we haven't had a bad one yet that they recommended.

Nick, I never thought about using the roster as a means of locating a familiar face. I think that is an excellent idea.

You shouldn't have any problems with your petition. I'm shocked that no one in the police dept isn't a bro.

When I petitioned my lodge, I only knew one person, that led to meeting others. Also, I had to get two from the lodge I petitioned and five more true and lawful bros. Once you get the first two, the next three come easily and quickly.

MGM, my story is very similar. In order to find a Mason in my family I had to jump back 4 generations (Civil War Era), and to the best of my knowledge no one that I worked with was a Mason. After picking up a petition and viewing the signature requirements I was discouraged & sat on the petition for over a year. Finally I decided to give it my best shot... picked up a fresh petition, and hit the internet. Low and behold the JW was a long time good friend whom I had fallen out of touch with, and the SD was the kid who grew up next door to me. BOY WAS I SUPRISED!! After e-mailing the JW, I met up with the Brothers at the Lodge and it was a matter of minutes before I was properly vouched for & on my way...

Nate C.

Registered User
Go to the pre-stated meeting dinner once or twice. Many lodges have weekly floor schools as well. It shouldn't take you more than a couple of visits to the lodge to get those signatures. If that isn't forthcoming, try another lodge. Don't get discouraged.

There are plenty of brethren carrying TCLEOSE cards, I assure you. Many just don't advertise all the time.

Feel free to PM me if I can provide additional encouragement or assistance.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Brethren, I'm not sure how serious PP is. I sent him a pm asking for his location & offering help almost a week ago- so far, no response.


Premium Member
Please do not get discouraged. The process varies from state to state. In New York a petitioner only needs to provide two or three character references, and they need not be Masons.

Kentucky requires the petitioner to have his petition form signed off by two members of the lodge he is petitioning. If a potential mason does not have acquaintance with any members, the co-signers will be provided anyway. We do not want to lose any potential Masons, because they do not know any active Masons!!

The "2B1 ASK1", is the way to get started, in the petitioning process only. The procedure will require the cooperation and assistance of many other individuals, as you will see. I urge you, to be of "good cheer", and do not get discouraged at this early stage of the game.

Masonry has a peculiar bureaucracy, with some requirements, that can seem a little strange to an outsider. As you progress in the Craft, it will become clear to you.

Good Luck in Masonry, and in life.