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Chamber of Reflection

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
So lets get some clarity here. Is this kosher then for immediate use? In this order of events? Or do you guys think we have to get a grand lodge vote on this. Or not sure.
I think the order is..

(a) Master of ceremonies reads the usual stuff from monitor to candidate to make sure they ready
(b) MC takes candidate (in their street clothes and not hoodwinked) to a dark, candlelit CoR for them to fill out some papers (life goals or whatever), leaves them alone, maybe have background music, and then they ring a bell when ready to proceed and MC comes to get them. We decorate this CoR per traditional standards....
(c) MC takes candidate in street clothes to the room adjoining the lodge to become duly and truly prepared (and all that means) and then we start the EA formal process.
(d) Actual 1st degree occurs from beginning to end per usual.

Now perhaps flipping (a) and (b) is required but I am not sure why that would matter. Makes more sense to have (a) and (b) in the order I suggest.
Until such time as a resolution permitting a CoR is presented to & approved by the Grand West in Annual Communication, my advice would be to follow the instructions in the Monitor precisely, which are for the SD to give the reading to the candidate in the preparation room, then immediately turn him over to the MC for preparation for his initiation.


Premium Member
So lets get some clarity here. Is this kosher then for immediate use? In this order of events? Or do you guys think we have to get a grand lodge vote on this. Or not sure.
I think the order is..

(a) Master of ceremonies reads the usual stuff from monitor to candidate to make sure they ready
(b) MC takes candidate (in their street clothes and not hoodwinked) to a dark, candlelit CoR for them to fill out some papers (life goals or whatever), leaves them alone, maybe have background music, and then they ring a bell when ready to proceed and MC comes to get them. We decorate this CoR per traditional standards....
(c) MC takes candidate in street clothes to the room adjoining the lodge to become duly and truly prepared (and all that means) and then we start the EA formal process.
(d) Actual 1st degree occurs from beginning to end per usual.

Now perhaps flipping (a) and (b) is required but I am not sure why that would matter. Makes more sense to have (a) and (b) in the order I suggest.

The two principles in question are -

1) What the WM GM says, goes.

This means no, use of CoR carefully executed to not conflict with the proscribed ritual is not allowed this year. He said no and that's it for his year. He declined to put in the list to be ratified so the topic can be revisited after his year is complete.

2) No interference with the proscribed ritual. In your outline this means at least flipping (a) and (b).

Consider the Bible presentation done by many lodges - it happens completely outside of the degree portion of the ritual. As Brother Walker (trysquare) mentions it needs to be done completely outside of the ritual. Whether that means it has been completed before the Opening starts (the only way I've seen it) or separate from and in parallel to the Opening but completed before and not in conflict with the Conferal - I suggest completed before the Opening starts. Also check out Brother Lins response to have no conflict with proscribed ritual. That too is why I suggest it be completed before the Opening ritual is started. Complete separation means it's neither a part of the proscribed ritual nor in any way in conflict with proscribed ritual.


Registered User
It is true. The Grand Master has said absolutely NO to the use of a CoR in any Blue Lodge. It is properly part of degrees in other masonic bodies. He has pulled at least one charter so far.

Well thats too bad perhaps that can be legislatively addressed this year. But thanks for the clarification. I don't participate in the other masonic bodies because I barely have time to commit to blue lodge. But i have been trying to do that well (2x or 3x a month). So ramping up in appendant masonic bodies is not an appealing strategy for me.

Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Our Bible Presentation is actually a Monitorial portion of the Third Degree. It is performed after the Charge.


Registered User
Our Bible Presentation is actually a Monitorial portion of the Third Degree. It is performed after the Charge.

You guys know what they say in business. Innovate or die (innovation is not a bad word, it is how organizations like Apple computer reinvent themselves all the time). Its ok to innovate and improve, perhaps the goal of GL meetings should be to aim for some measure of consistency, but nevertheless, as we move forward, its innovate or die.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Well thats too bad perhaps that can be legislatively addressed this year.
Any proposals to be considered by the Grand West must be received by the Grand Secretary no later than May 15th to be included in this year's Annual Communication.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Our Bible Presentation is actually a Monitorial portion of the Third Degree. It is performed after the Charge.
So is ours, and it has been approved by our Committee on Work. To compare the Bible presentation to a CoR is apples to oranges.


Registered User
May 15 ? Wow, thats like 7 months early to think about it. That makes the US Congress look like :)
But thanks for the note on that, maybe issue dead and burried now for next 18 months.


Site Benefactor
Site Benefactor
This isn't meant to seem, rude but a Chamber of Reflection is an "innovation" in Freemasonry neither the Antients or Moderns Grand Lodges or the Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland used them in the beginning of speculative Freemasonry during the late 1600 and early 1700s.

It was introduced into the Freemasonry practised by the Grand Orient of France as a result of the invention of the Rite of Perfection in 1760s France and as that Rite became a part of the newly created Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry in the 1780s.

This may well be the reason that your Grand Lodges don't wish to see its use creep into your regular Craft Lodges.

Agree... Texas Blue Lodges are chartered to confer EA, FC, and MM. They are not chartered to utilize or confer parts of degrees found and conferred in other masonic organizations.



Site Benefactor
Site Benefactor
I think all Lodges should have a chamber of reflection for the candidate vs. a dusty closet or storage room.

I view it as revealing degree work from other masonic bodies where the brethren swore they "will not reveal the secrets of this degree to anyone....". In this case those secrets are being revealed to a candidate not even initiated yet.

To me, each organization is charged to maintain, protect, and secure certain unique aspects (degrees) of masonry and the CoR is absolutely part of another organization's charter and charge.

Again, it's my opinion....

Cheers from Warden's Retreat in bodacious Corpus Christi


Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
I view it as revealing degree work from other masonic bodies...
I don't know about SR, but in the Chivalric Orders it is outside of the Degree work, just as it is being described here for Craft Lodge use, and therefore not a "secret" of the Degree.
Having experienced it twice, I can honestly say that my Mother Lodge made use of it far more effectively than the Order that was "supposed" to do it.
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Premium Member
So is ours, and it has been approved by our Committee on Work. To compare the Bible presentation to a CoR is apples to oranges.

Now I need to get a copy of the Monitor for Texas and read up on that. It's my first jurisdiction that requires it and now I already know of two jurisdictions that require it - Very cool.


Premium Member
I view it as revealing degree work from other masonic bodies where the brethren swore they "will not reveal the secrets of this degree to anyone....". In this case those secrets are being revealed to a candidate not even initiated yet.

I view it as importing a part of the first three degrees that is present in other jurisdictions. Being a part of the first three degrees would make the CoR not a part of the secrets of any appendent body's degrees. Based on the history of this discussion and on the symbols in your avatar at least one of the York Rite degrees.

One way to put the topic to bed in my opinion - Get the local YR to rule that it's theirs in Texas. Another way to put the topic to bed in my opinion - Submit legislation to GL authorizing it as optional content, complete with directions on how to conduct it so as to not conflict with the proscribed ritual.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Now I need to get a copy of the Monitor for Texas and read up on that. It's my first jurisdiction that requires it and now I already know of two jurisdictions that require it - Very cool.
It is not "required" but it is "allowed"- see the following:

This is not a part of the Master Mason's Degree. A bible may be presented to the newly raised Master Mason if it is the desire of the Lodge to do so. When a bible is to be presented, it should be done after the completion of the degree [after the apron has been presented and the newly raised brother has been seated among his brethren].

The following may be used in making the presentation:

My brother, however men may differ in creed or theology, all good men are agreed that within the covers of the Holy Bible are found those principles of morality which lay the foundation upon which to build a righteous life.

Masonry, therefore, opens this Book upon its altar with a command to each of its members that he diligently study therein to learn the way to Eternal Life.

Adopting no particular creed, forbidding all sectarian discussion within its Lodgerooms, but urging each to be steadfast in the faith of his profession, Masonry would take every good man by the hand, lead him to its altar, point to the open Bible thereon, and urge that he direct his way through life by the light he there shall find; and so long as that light shines upon its altar, so long as it illuminates the pathway of the Craftsmen by its golden rays of truth, so long will Freemasonry live and shed its beneficent influence upon mankind.

Guard then, my brother, that Book of sacred and immutable Law as you guard your life; defend it more heroically than you would the flag of your country, and live according to its Divine precepts with its everlasting assurances of a blessed immortality.

On behalf of your Lodge (or other donor), it is my great privilege to present to you, your own personal copy of the Great Light in Masonry. Read it, study it, and implement in your daily life the precepts contained in it. By so doing, you will merit the title bestowed upon you tonight-that of a Master Mason.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
May 15 ? That makes the US Congress look like :)
You know, our state Legislature meets for 140 days every 2 years. It has been proposed that they be allowed to meet for 2 days every 140 years. There may be some merit to that proposal. :wink:


Site Benefactor
Site Benefactor
Another way to put the topic to bed in my opinion - Submit legislation to GL authorizing it as optional content, complete with directions on how to conduct it so as to not conflict with the proscribed ritual.

I am in total agreement with this. There is a path and if enough brethren want it and support the legislative change, we can formally incorporate it.



Premium Member
It is not "required" but it is "allowed"- see the following:

This is not a part of the Master Mason's Degree. A bible may be presented to the newly raised Master Mason if it is the desire of the Lodge to do so. When a bible is to be presented, it should be done after the completion of the degree [after the apron has been presented and the newly raised brother has been seated among his brethren].

The following may be used in making the presentation:

My brother, however men may differ in creed or theology, all good men are agreed that within the covers of the Holy Bible are found those principles of morality which lay the foundation upon which to build a righteous life ...

As this is the timing but is not the wording of the poem I have seen used for a Bible presentation I think my comparison for purposes of timing and how to not conflict with the ritual of a degree or the ritual of opening/closing to me remains apples to apples. The Bible presentation is done at a point in the meeting that is not a part of the degree and is also not a part of the opening/closing. As such it is correctly timed at an established break point.

There's also an established break point between the opening ceremony and the start of the degree where activities can be inserted. I prefer to reserve this time for introductions, announcements, reading of the degree slate, proficiencies. Activities we've all seen at that point in the past.

I think the CoR if done should be completed before the opening ceremony is started. My bias - The one time I attended a degree where the candidate was put through the CoR used this timing. Another bit of timing - Not at all this year. What the WMGM says, goes.