Is there a Lodge that currently votes on members to be "Expelled" based on the article below?
Art. 326. (362). Expulsion Permitted After Three Years.
Should a suspended member fail to pay his dues in arrears within
three years from the date of his suspension, he may, after not less
than thirty days written notice, be expelled at a stated meeting, by
an affirmative ballot of two-thirds majority of the members of his
Lodge present. Only members of the Lodge of which he is a member
shall be permitted to ballot thereon.
The reason I ask is that I don't know if my lodge has ever done it but it may be something to look at doing.
Art. 326. (362). Expulsion Permitted After Three Years.
Should a suspended member fail to pay his dues in arrears within
three years from the date of his suspension, he may, after not less
than thirty days written notice, be expelled at a stated meeting, by
an affirmative ballot of two-thirds majority of the members of his
Lodge present. Only members of the Lodge of which he is a member
shall be permitted to ballot thereon.
The reason I ask is that I don't know if my lodge has ever done it but it may be something to look at doing.