Hey why do degree's? I say we nix them too. What the hell.. ! Why have the Committee on Work? Why have Grand Lodge then? We can keep going. If there is no uniformity then the system has failed. I agree the Lodges can govern themselves but some don't plain and simple. The ones that don't can't be forced if there is no rule or regulation to do so. Otherwise the GL is powerless.
What do you do when you get you brother initiated and in the small town they give him a code book to tlearn the work because no one knows the work? Just let it happen? Why not, its going perfect at YOUR Lodge. Our system is flawed and this is the mindset that people don't want to come to the realization that needs to be tweaked to stop the Lodges that are taking care of the fact that just because it is not written don't mean you don't have to do it. I personally get tired of pwople with the blinders on. Travel to a lodge and sit in a HORRIBLE opening and closing. The light is dim and is the Square and compass sign out front is the only thing letting these guys pay dues then that is a problem that our GL should be able to take care of. We just stopped them from doing so. So I have to stand and applaud the ones that voted to pass this resolution and say thank you for making Masonry that much better (<---- Sarcasm). For once our GL took a stand on an issue and our Grand West dropped the ball. If the lodges would do their job we wouldn't have the issues we currently have.
For those that run perfect Lodges, this is not to you. I do challenge you to go to other Lodges and as many as you can. If in your travels you visit a Lodge where everyone is uneasy and you start to feel real bad for the guy in the east because you know he is very embarrased to have a visitor and can't open and close (like I had to go through) you will understand and maybe, just maybe you can help find a solution. Oh and just because your master can lead a fundraiser and make a good brisket that don't make him be able to spread Masonry, that makes him a good public relations committee chairman. I want someone to explain the symbolism and allegories and lead the Lodge.
Hey, I'm just a Secretary Pro-Tem what do I know. Apparently nothing. Tom, Soap Box is yours.