Premium Member
That's the plan.
so mote it be.
That's the plan.
Hi Bryan et al.
I'm no expert on GLoTX rules either, but I agree with your point that it is difficult and not always desirable to try to incorporate detailed definitions and prescriptions into a rule-book.
An alternative approach which might be easier, based on your argument above, might be for GL to consider a resolution about interpretation of existing rules rather than a change of rules. For example, a resolution "That this Grand Lodge deems any racist remark or racist behaviour by any Brother whilst acting in his capacity as a freemason to be unmasonic conduct within the meaning of its Constitutions, and mandates its Officers and any other members responsible for the conduct and determination of its disciplinary proceedings to take due notice hereof and govern themselves accordingly". Obviously that might not be quite the right wording for the TX rules, but I would imagine that something of this sort ought to have the effect of making it clear that racism is a masonic offence without changing the existing rules.
It might be easier to get it through by this sort of approach.
T & F,
My only question is.. if you are going to go this far why not go ahead and include "sexual orientation".
Hi Bryan et al.
I'm no expert on GLoTX rules either, but I agree with your point that it is difficult and not always desirable to try to incorporate detailed definitions and prescriptions into a rule-book.
An alternative approach which might be easier, based on your argument above, might be for GL to consider a resolution about interpretation of existing rules rather than a change of rules. For example, a resolution "That this Grand Lodge deems any racist remark or racist behaviour by any Brother whilst acting in his capacity as a freemason to be unmasonic conduct within the meaning of its Constitutions, and mandates its Officers and any other members responsible for the conduct and determination of its disciplinary proceedings to take due notice hereof and govern themselves accordingly". Obviously that might not be quite the right wording for the TX rules, but I would imagine that something of this sort ought to have the effect of making it clear that racism is a masonic offence without changing the existing rules.
It might be easier to get it through by this sort of approach.
Ok, y'all- here's the final version to be submitted to Grand Lodge. My thanks to all of you for your input & help.
"Whereas Freemasonry is universal in scope, and professes to be a Brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God, and;
Whereas our Ancient and Honorable Fraternity welcomes to its doors and admits to its privileges worthy men of all faiths, creeds and races who believe in a Supreme Being, as stated in our Degrees and lectures, and;
Whereas our Ritual and teachings SPECIFICALLY state that a decision on the admission of a petitioner to our Fraternity is NOT to be based upon his external qualifications;
Therefore be it resolved that Title V, Article 505 of the Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M. be amended by the addition of the following language:
37. Make any negative reference or take any negative action in regard to a petitioner’s or member’s faith, creed or race at any time."
Respectfully submitted,
William A. (Bill) Lins
PM- Wharton #621
PM- El Campo #918
You cannot legislate morality.
No - but you can make bigots wildly uncomfortable.
One of my biggest problems with what happened in Georgia (filing moral charges for admitting a Black man) wasn't the opposition to the Black man itself - it's that several people felt comfortable enough to file formal charges which would be heard by other masons. Which meant they expected their backward, un-masonic charges to be taken seriously if not to win.
If racism was directly addressed, either in a sterile one liner in the bylaws, to whenever it reared it's head - these men would have known their views were out of the mainstream and not a part of masonry. If they are comfortable, that means it's prospering and possibly proliferating.
Yes, it means making it politically incorrect for them to be open bigots.