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Use of the Lodge Room

Blake Bowden

As some of you know, we were thinking about hosting a Christmas party in the dining area and setting up a movie for the kids to watch in the lodge room. Since this would be a party for Lodge members and their families I don't see a big issue with it. A Brother from another Lodge sent this to me:

" If you are thinking about using the lodge room for a movie theater. I believe, if I read it correct, you cannot use the lodge room for any reason except for masonic purposes. Look at Art. 224, pg. 122b in the Grand Lodge Laws"

Since this would be a private event would that apply? It's not like we would be opening the lodge to the public or another outside group. Here's what the law states:

Art. 224. (264). Use of Lodge and Anterooms. Masonic
Lodgerooms and anterooms opening directly into Lodgerooms
(other than club rooms designated to be used for social purposes)
shall not be used for other than Masonic purposes, except as
hereinafter provided in this Article nor shall they be used by any
group or organization, secular or religious, except as otherwise
provided in the Laws and Edicts of Grand Lodge. Other than the
Lodgerooms and immediate anterooms mentioned in the forego-
ing sentence the Lodge building and premises may be used by
the other organizations enumerated in Article 225 of the Laws of
Grand Lodge and by the families of the members of the Lodge. The
use of said building and premises other than the Lodgerooms and
immediate anterooms by such organizations and family members
shall be encouraged to the end that Masonic Lodge buildings and
premises will become the nucleus for family social activities. The
organizations enumerated in Article 225 of the Laws may also,
subject to the consent of the Masonic Lodge and subject to such
rules and regulations as are from time to time announced by the
Grand Master, use portions of the Lodge building, other than the
Lodgerooms and immediate anterooms, to promote, encourage and
accomplish such objectives, including, but not limited to, such spec-
ified fund-raising activities as are authorized by the Grand Master ..

I don't see a problem, but maybe one of you more knowledgeable Brothers could interpret it better.


Johnny Joe Combs
Premium Member
"The lodge building an premises will become the nucleus for family social activities".

nuff said

Bro. Stewart P.M.

Lead Moderator Emeritus
Staff Member
I agree with you Blake, the way that I read the statement is that ANY part of the Lodge building other than the Lodgeroom itself or its anti-room may be used by ANY family member of the Lodge. In fact the multi-usage is encouraged by the GLoTX.

I would like to add that my wife (OES member), is going to host a Baby Shower within the confines of our Lodge dining hall on the 17th of October... just sayin! I did get the direct permission of the Worshipful Master though.


Premium Member
I agree with the Brothers here. However, if you feel that you need "official" ruling on this just "E-mail" your DDGM and have them respond via e-mail. That way it is in writing and you can let the concerned Brother know that you, as JW, have got an official ruling and everything is fine.


Staff Member
I agree with what you all are saying. What the point of the event is is to get the Masons and their families together as a group to promote a wholesome environment where we can fellowship as a group and enjoy the "reason for the season."
I had no intentions of having anybody getting their panties in a wad....


Premium Member
I had no intentions of having anybody getting their panties in a wad....

That wouldn't EVER happen! :D I'm going to mention this idea to the WM of our lodge Tuesday and see what he thinks about doing something this Christmas.


Founding Member
Premium Member
Having family to lodge is a masonic function and would be gladly supported even a movie in the lodge room. (movie being within reason of course) This is to keep lodge from allowing some other group use the same building like the Lions or Moose people! lol :) Proceed as planned Brothers.


Premium Member
If there were brothers there and it was a time for fellowship I say bring it. No Alcohol though period, thats another law.

Blake Bowden

Well our DDGM, who happens to be our Lodge Treasurer sent a letter to the GM. According to Grand Lodge "There's nothing more Masonic than having a group of Masons and their families celebrating Christmas". So we're going to hold our Christmas Party just as we originally planned it. Kids...enjoy the movie! :clap2:


Premium Member
Premium Member
I don't see a problem, but maybe one of you more knowledgeable Brothers could interpret it better.
Blake L. Bowden
Masons of Texas Administrator

Brother Blake I can assure you that I have seen many Christmas programs inside a Masonic Lodge Room, even a movie or two. I say go for it. What better way to make the Lodge a center for our families to gather.


Premium Member
Premium Member
Sure am glad that's cleared up cause we're gonna use ours for the same function.

Being in Law Enforcement I have to interpret laws everyday. I would have to say that the meaning of this law is that as long as it is a masonc function all rooms are ok. Not open to non-masonic groups or functions. Just my opinion


Johnny Joe Combs
Premium Member
If Masons cannot have their families inside the lodge for a Christmas Dinner, Party, movie, Flag Football, Big Time Wrestling, or any other family get together the lodge decides would be fun, educational, or otherwise beneficial, then close the doors and throw away the keys.


Premium Member
Premium Member
If Masons cannot have their families inside the lodge for a Christmas Dinner, Party, movie, Flag Football, Big Time Wrestling, or any other family get together the lodge decides would be fun, educational, or otherwise beneficial, then close the doors and throw away the keys.

AMEN to that Brother


Premium Member
Premium Member
Our Lodge is lucky; we have a nice size Lodge Building. We have 2 lodge rooms, A Red and Blue room, A Dining Room, Commercial Kitchen, Library, Game Room, and Secretary Office. We have the Blue Lodge, York Rite (Chapter, Council, and Commandary), Scottish Rite Club, Shrine Club, OES, and other ladies support groups for respective organizations. We, Families, all appellate groups and Our Districts lodges have used the lodge as needed. For special functions, Kids Christmas parties, etc, use all of the lodge assets, and we let the community use the Dinning Room and Kitchen, (no Liquor and a member of our lodge must be present during function), for a donation to the lodge. We have done this for years and have never had any problems