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What happend to a mason person ???


Registered User
What happend to a masson person that is cheating and abusing from his wife,, for other part going around with women (not his wife) tell everyone he is divorce but he is not,,,and dont take care of his kids,,,,,,what kind of mason can be that?????:38:


Staff Member
well Brother...... That is not a good example of a Mason at all..... If he's abusing his wife and children and is having an affair then the Brothers of his Lodge need to have him expelled.

Blake Bowden

Staff Member
He should be...


Traveling Man

Premium Member
That is not a good example of a Mason at all...

Agreed; but not what you’re thinking… What ever happened to, “whispering good counsel”?

I had the unfortunate opportunity to address a like situation. I was advised by letter (as sitting master) to investigate a similar situation, after coming to the conclusion that it was not the lodges responsibility and ruled as such, I was threatened for not taking action. After whispering good counsel in the “alleged” brothers ear I was informed that the “accuser” was the ex-wives brother (and found that indeed they were divorced) and was being used as a “tool” by the ex-wife (a consummate liar). This was all verified by the proper legal authorities by the way. After the incident was properly investigated the letter writer was reprimanded for speculating in the spreading of vicious, damaging, libelous rumours.

You may want to try the above approach first as one of our cardinal virtues is justice, is it not?

“When skating on thin ice it is advisable to do so at a rate of high speed”.


Registered User
As long as criminal actions are involved, such a case should be dealt with by the proper authorities. A lodge is neither an amateur courtyard nor a detective bureau. We can state our point to a seeming disbehavior of a brother, but legal actions - and in my eyes expelling a member is a legal action, should be based on stern evidence, not on gut feelings and hearsay information.


Registered User
Been divorced once before re-marrying and becoming a mason. I wish then I could hav had my brothers for a friend, confidant, or maybe even a guide. We all play a role in peoples lives and we ought to strive to help our brothers.


Registered User
Well the brother is NOT divorce and his his first wife,,,he is my brother but there have to be something that can let him know what's the rules,,,and what he is doing is not good for a brother maisonic. I think all the lodge need to talk about this to let them know someone is doing it and that is not permit.

Traveling Man

Premium Member
How about going to our handy dandy Masonic law book and see what it says.

I absolutely agree…

...he is my brother but there have to be something that can let him know what's the rules...and what he is doing is not good for a brother maisonic. I think all the lodge need to talk about this to let them know someone is doing it and that is not permit.

Um, you say he’s your brother? Would that be a blood relative or a fraternal brother? I’m asking are you a Freemason? If you are, you are to give him good consul, if not be aware that we are to refrain from any personal piques and quarrels. Furthermore we have laws that give the individual brother certain rights and remedies. It appears that you seem (I may be wrong) to want us (as a organization) to somehow chastise him? This my friend is wrong, if he has not broken any laws (legal or Masonic) and there would have to be a aggrieved Masonic party that would require Masonic legal action. As mentioned before we are not the judge, jury and executioners for the world. We do “advise” brethren from time to time to self examine their desires (see whisper good consul) but we are not the “Star Chamber” you are looking for.


Registered User
Well the brother is NOT divorce and his his first wife,,,he is my brother but there have to be something that can let him know what's the rules,,,and what he is doing is not good for a brother maisonic. I think all the lodge need to talk about this to let them know someone is doing it and that is not permit.

First of all, I checked your profile and I see that you are not a Mason. I would like to know why you would bring this problem to our attention in a open forum?

Second, If the allegations of spousal/child abuse are true, then I advise you to seek legal advise. The allegations of immoral conduct should be reconciled between the couple whatever way they choose. You should support them in any way they see fit. Masonry doesn't interfere with a Brother's God, his country, his family or his neighbor. At this time I feel that We can pray for him, his spouse, for you and all of his family to find peace.


Premium Member
I do believe the lessons of Masonry teach how to deal with things like this from whispering council and so forth. In the end all a lodge can do is try to get the person back on the correct path and if they refuse remove them from Masonry. In this case it would do little to help the kids or wife if he doesnt change. That is what the guys with badges and guns get paid to deal with...


Registered User
Been divorced once before re-marrying and becoming a mason. I wish then I could hav had my brothers for a friend, confidant, or maybe even a guide. We all play a role in peoples lives and we ought to strive to help our brothers.


"Just in case"
Premium Member
how did i miss this back in january. we have no context regarding what this guy is talking about at all...