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YR equivalent of 33rd degree

Glen Cook

G A Cook
Site Benefactor
Yes they are all 32 degree masons, it confused me when I first found out because I thought there wasn't a Degree system in York rite.

Wow I shall be calling you sir from now on :)

Fraternal Hello
Bro. Scott Peckham
Thermopylae Lodge 4386, England, Cheshire
You are correct, the degrees aren't number in the poorly named York Rite (another discussion), unless you consider just the symbolic degrees of the craft lodge. Indeed, we don't have the YR in England; there is no perceived progression from RA to Cryptic to KT.
Note, the Ancient and Accepted Rite is not York Rite.

BullDozer Harrell

Registered User
Well, KYCH isn't a degree, and is a separate, stand alone organisation not governed by any of the three YR groups. I really don't know anyone that considers it equivalent.
Absolutely correct and explained well, Brother Cook. I was just pandering to those whom might have carried the opinion.


Registered User
Well, looking for eqivalents causes many funny situations. Just look at France and their "irregular landscape". When they tried to find equivalents between AASR and French Rite (intervisitation!) they simply found out that when you are at the top of French Rite you are poorly half as good Mason, as 33 degree Mason is... :) Well, there are many different systems and for me, when you get to the top, you are the top Mason in THAT system and it means you are equal in prestige with Brethern whe are at the top of THEIR systems.

But yes, there are systems similar to each other. Let's compare Royal Arch + KT to continental Rectified Scottish Rite. You will find a lot of similarities between Royal Arch degree and Scottish Master of St. Andrew on one hand and between KT/KM and CBCS on the other hand. Thats why there are mutual agreements between RSR Priories and KT Priories and intervisitation is allowed. At least in Europe.

In other words - there are systems that you can compare, a those that you can't. In my opinion. :)

Frats from snowy Warsaw!


Site Benefactor
Let's compare Royal Arch + KT to continental Rectified Scottish Rite. You will find a lot of similarities between Royal Arch degree and Scottish Master of St. Andrew on one hand and between KT/KM and CBCS on the other hand. Thats why there are mutual agreements between RSR Priories and KT Priories and intervisitation is allowed. At least in Europe.
Didn't know this, thank you for the info. Am going to read up on this. Interesting.


Registered User
This is from the website of Grand Prieuré de Belgique (

"The Great Priory of Belgium and its Prefectures in Australia maintain a friendly international working relationship with the majority of Great Priories of Knights Templar around the world. For many years now, a mutual right of visitation is in place. Members of the Great Priory of Belgium who hold the degree of Knight Beneficent of the Holy City can visit Knight Templar meetings of officially recognised Great Priories. In return Knights Templar of recognised Great Priories can visit meetings in the degree of Knight Beneficent of the Holy City in the Great Priory of Belgium and its Prefectures in Australia."

The same point of view represents Independent Grand Priory of Helvetia, Mother-Grand Body of RSR.

It seems that Templar family is united in Europe. To RSR and KT you can add Swedish Rite as well. There are official agreements between RSR, KT and SwR, too.

S&F from Warsaw!


Registered User
I consider the Purple Cross through the York Rite College to be the equivalent of the 33rd Degree AASR in terms of being an honorary title. A lot of KYCH brothers consider the KYCH to be the 33rd Degree equivalent, however the KYCH is pretty obtainable. Think of how easy it'd be to obtain the KYCH if you just continue staying active inside of the York Rite.

If your York Rite is anything like mine, just simply showing up and doing the work is good enough to get you into higher chair officer positions. The hardest part of the KYCH (and we all know this) is finishing up your year in the oriental chair of your blue lodge.


Registered User
Finally, I managed to find it! It's official equivalent chart of AASR of Switzerland.

Maybe this will help. :)

Frats from Warsaw!

PS: GNM3W means German Große National-Mutterloge „Zu den drei Weltkugeln“ which has its own system.

2011 Bildschirmfoto Hochgradvergleiche.png
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Registered User
This is from the website of Grand Prieuré de Belgique (

"The Great Priory of Belgium and its Prefectures in Australia maintain a friendly international working relationship with the majority of Great Priories of Knights Templar around the world. For many years now, a mutual right of visitation is in place. Members of the Great Priory of Belgium who hold the degree of Knight Beneficent of the Holy City can visit Knight Templar meetings of officially recognised Great Priories. In return Knights Templar of recognised Great Priories can visit meetings in the degree of Knight Beneficent of the Holy City in the Great Priory of Belgium and its Prefectures in Australia."

The same point of view represents Independent Grand Priory of Helvetia, Mother-Grand Body of RSR.

It seems that Templar family is united in Europe. To RSR and KT you can add Swedish Rite as well. There are official agreements between RSR, KT and SwR, too.

S&F from Warsaw!

There is a Chapel for the Priory of Knights Templar, in England. The stained glass windows feature ancient symbolism. There are Arch-Angels in the upper corners of the six walls with stained glass windows, placed there to oversee and protect the Knights.

Priory Chapel.jpg

"Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set." -Proverbs 22

Glen Cook

G A Cook
Site Benefactor
I've heard that the Red Cross of Constantine is the closest equivalent to the 33rd in the York Rite.
Except that RCC only requires HRA:

  1. Regular Membership in a Conclave may be attained only by invitation, which invitation shall be extended only after proper clearance through the Grand Recorder’s Office, if required. Only Royal Arch Masons on whom the Constantinian Order of Christian Knighthood may be conferred and Knights Companions of this or any sister Jurisdiction holding a Demit, Certificate of Good Standing or similar document may be invited as Regular Members of the Conclave.