So have you raised the concerns and tried to do something or..?Conduct unbecoming? In Northern Illinois, short of being convicted of a felony or not paying dues, it seems like anything goes. Broken contract, taking money for degree work and then never providing an Intender and pocketing the money. All correspondence to the Grand Lodge ignored. Being an idiot I gave it another shot. My two favorites are the following. The worshipful master bragging about aggravated assault with a firearm because someone cut him off. That’s 20 years in prison here. Guy belongs behind bars. That’s how innocent people get killed. No consequences of any kind from the Lodge. And most recently the newly installed Deacon solicited my wife to come to a drunken kegger under the guise of a Church fundraiser. When I mentioned these instances to my Intender his reply was, “Masonry isn’t for everyone.” My father-in-law is a Sovereign Grand Inspector General overseas. Apparently Masonry is very different abroad. I have gone from being a raving fan to an enemy of masonry here in Illinois. Someone said there is some Grand District Deputy or something. But really if the Lodge voted for corrupt leadership, what other option is there but to quit and join some other group like the Knights if Columbus. Apparently there is no conduct unbecoming a mason here in Illinois short of a felony conviction.
While this post raises many concerns, and if they are true I would absolutely like to see the GLofIL take notice, the solitary drive-by post purporting widespread corruption in Masonry in his area is also concerning. Such shenanigans when they do happen are often outed and corrected swiftly in this age of rapid communication and social media. I can't see an entire Masonic community being complicit in their silence.Conduct unbecoming? In Northern Illinois, short of being convicted of a felony or not paying dues, it seems like anything goes. Broken contract, taking money for degree work and then never providing an Intender and pocketing the money. All correspondence to the Grand Lodge ignored. Being an idiot I gave it another shot. My two favorites are the following. The worshipful master bragging about aggravated assault with a firearm because someone cut him off. That’s 20 years in prison here. Guy belongs behind bars. That’s how innocent people get killed. No consequences of any kind from the Lodge. And most recently the newly installed Deacon solicited my wife to come to a drunken kegger under the guise of a Church fundraiser. When I mentioned these instances to my Intender his reply was, “Masonry isn’t for everyone.” My father-in-law is a Sovereign Grand Inspector General overseas. Apparently Masonry is very different abroad. I have gone from being a raving fan to an enemy of masonry here in Illinois. Someone said there is some Grand District Deputy or something. But really if the Lodge voted for corrupt leadership, what other option is there but to quit and join some other group like the Knights if Columbus. Apparently there is no conduct unbecoming a mason here in Illinois short of a felony conviction.
May I ask the grand lodge ?Conduct unbecoming? In Northern Illinois, short of being convicted of a felony or not paying dues, it seems like anything goes. Broken contract, taking money for degree work and then never providing an Intender and pocketing the money. All correspondence to the Grand Lodge ignored. Being an idiot I gave it another shot. My two favorites are the following. The worshipful master bragging about aggravated assault with a firearm because someone cut him off. That’s 20 years in prison here. Guy belongs behind bars. That’s how innocent people get killed. No consequences of any kind from the Lodge. And most recently the newly installed Deacon solicited my wife to come to a drunken kegger under the guise of a Church fundraiser. When I mentioned these instances to my Intender his reply was, “Masonry isn’t for everyone.” My father-in-law is a Sovereign Grand Inspector General overseas. Apparently Masonry is very different abroad. I have gone from being a raving fan to an enemy of masonry here in Illinois. Someone said there is some Grand District Deputy or something. But really if the Lodge voted for corrupt leadership, what other option is there but to quit and join some other group like the Knights if Columbus. Apparently there is no conduct unbecoming a mason here in Illinois short of a felony conviction.
I note you speak of "Chicago Lodge" in your profile - which Grand Lodge is this ?Conduct unbecoming? In Northern Illinois, short of being convicted of a felony or not paying dues, it seems like anything goes. Broken contract, taking money for degree work and then never providing an Intender and pocketing the money. All correspondence to the Grand Lodge ignored. Being an idiot I gave it another shot. My two favorites are the following. The worshipful master bragging about aggravated assault with a firearm because someone cut him off. That’s 20 years in prison here. Guy belongs behind bars. That’s how innocent people get killed. No consequences of any kind from the Lodge. And most recently the newly installed Deacon solicited my wife to come to a drunken kegger under the guise of a Church fundraiser. When I mentioned these instances to my Intender his reply was, “Masonry isn’t for everyone.” My father-in-law is a Sovereign Grand Inspector General overseas. Apparently Masonry is very different abroad. I have gone from being a raving fan to an enemy of masonry here in Illinois. Someone said there is some Grand District Deputy or something. But really if the Lodge voted for corrupt leadership, what other option is there but to quit and join some other group like the Knights if Columbus. Apparently there is no conduct unbecoming a mason here in Illinois short of a felony conviction.