Thank goodness he WILL have one. It will be held tomorrow.
Thank goodness this mess worked its self out without creating another nasty problem for our GM to deal with. I am of the opinion that if two brothers are at odds with each other, they should be forced to go into a lodge room, kneel at the alter with a Holy Bible and retake their obligations, look each other square in the eyes, and if they still have diffrences, then get on with the legal stuff.
I am also in agreement with the brother who said he did not rest well with the idea, of picking and choosing which laws we wish to follow, and which ones we want to circumvent. The laws are the same ones that we all swore we would uphold. If there is a law which anyone of us finds un-just, then we should follow our conscience, and submit a resolution to Grand Lodge to get it changed. If the Brother who wants the change made is not a member of Grand Lodge, then get your lodge to submit the resolution, or one of the members of Grand Lodge to sponser the resolution.