Ephesians 4:29, First Peter 3:10 and James 3: 9-12 in the Christian VSL say that. These could be interpreted however, again subjective. Who do you know that uses tobacco that doesn't use it in 'excess'? Spending $70 a week (that's only at one pack per day) on cigs in NY is pretty expensive and there is no way around it, tobacco and nicotine is bad for you. And actually, your diet has everything to do with being overweight unless you have a medical problem. If you eat terrible and excessively, you can't exercise your self out of being overweight. Eating 3500 calories a day and then burning 200 off, you're still going to be overweight. Alcohol, if you can't go a weekend without drinking more than 2 or 3 drinks, you may be an alcoholic 'by definition' and that is physically damaging. I'm not judging anyone and I think we're just arguing in circles here but the point is definitely subjective.
My point is that what is an immoral lifestyle? Someone eating a lot or dipping Skoal doesn't bother me one bit because it doesn't effect me (other than insurance premiums going up due to bad life choices of others) and I would not vote down on them if they were a good guy and neither does a guy that's attracted to other dudes. Doesn't effect me one bit. I'd hate to vote out a good addition to my lodge due to his personal preferences.