Man in bar: "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help noticing your ring."
Me: "What, Sorry ?"
Man in bar: "the ring on your right hand ........ your one of them aren't you ?"
Me: "you mean a Freemason!"
Man in bar: "shhhh! Yes a Freemason (whispered)"
Me: "yes, I am."
Man in bar: "can I ask you a question ?"
Me: "you can ask!"
Man in bar: (Looking around, and over his shoulder) "was he ?"
Me: "sorry?"
Man in bar: "was he a freemason?"
Me: "who ?"
Man in bar: "Jack the Ripper ?"
Me: "I don't know !"
Man in bar: "What do you mean, you don't know ?"
Me: "well, how would I know. One, I don't personally know every brother in the world, and two, it was a long time ago and I'm not that old !"
Man in bar: "well even if you don't know you could find out ...... right ?"
Me: "well I suppose I could. Especially now you've peeked my interest ! Let's think about it logically, Jack the Ripper was active in London in 1818 or something like that right ?"
Man in bar: "yes something like that !"
Me: "well at that time there were maybe four lodges active in London. Plus the Grand lodge of England. So if I looked up there membership records, I could find out if he was a member."
Man in bar: "could you ..... I mean would you ?"
Me: "well, yes ! I could do ! I just need one thing!"
Man in bar: "What?"
Me: "his name !"
Man in bar: "well I don't know That?"
Me: "well I absolutely guarantee you no matter how hard I search, I will not find an entry for a brother "Jack the Ripper will I!"
Man in bar: "but, but ...... "
Me: "please, leave me alone now !"
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