Blake Bowden
Art. 506 states that any Mason who is convicted of a Felon is automatically suspended or expelled. What happens if a person already has a felony and petitions? Is that an automatic refusal of membership?
Art. 506 states that any Mason who is convicted of a Felon is automatically suspended or expelled. What happens if a person already has a felony and petitions? Is that an automatic refusal of membership?
Good question. I happen to know somebody who when they were 18 and in high school still, screwed up with some drugs. Almost 20 years later they are an outstanding father, religiously active, and walking a straight path who has asked me about masonry but because I was under the opinion of a felony preventing somebody from joining I evaded the subject. If this does not prevent somebody then I may bring it up to them and see if they are still interested.
This question came up after lodge. The answer I got from an attorney is quiet different then what most would say. The common answer is "conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty or good morals." While if you look at a list it may not include things that I find being moral turpitude, I personally put drugs on that list because I despise them(seen the bad affects way to many times).
The list I'm refering to and the definition I pulled is from Wikipedia. The irony of it is the attorney pretty much referred to the list and not a general answer.
We had a member to burn down a car wash a few years back. Would that make the list?
funny I Just read that definition of Moral Turpitude in the proceedings for 1893!
funny I Just read that definition of Moral Turpitude in the proceedings for 1893!
There is no middle ground.. ! if its a felonie... he is gone.. !
We had a member to burn down a car wash a few years back. Would that make the list?
Post them.:beer:
Art. 506 states that any Mason who is convicted of a Felon is automatically suspended or expelled. That applies to a currently Square Brother, Exclusive of Murder or child Molestation which we would never let a man in with that type of History, if a man has lived his life free of any unlawful act's for a minimum of 5 year's we would investigate him and make a determination on a case by case basis, these are the kinds of things that can make or break a healthy lodge so be careful because after all we want Mason's and not just member's.:sc: