Don't hold your breath. Not that there won't be lots of attempts, just none that qualify as logically sound. I'll spare us the listing of the likely premises that will fail on even a cursory examination. But I'd like to think that we might find a way, as Masons, to avoid even that level of contention.Show me a logical proof (trigonometry term) where homosexuality threatens mankind's pursuit of happiness, either individually or as a whole.
Don't hold your breath. Not that there won't be lots of attempts, just none that qualify as logically sound. I'll spare us the listing of the likely premises that will fail on even a cursory examination. But I'd like to think that we might find a way, as Masons, to avoid even that level of contention.
A religious proscription, while not logically defensible, is, Masonically, a perfectly valid "rule and guide" to for the individual who chooses to embrace such dogma for the purposes of governing his own behavior. It is only when he attempts to apply such proscriptions to others that the friction starts. I don't believe that homosexuality is a sin, but then I don't believe that eating my chicken fried steak with country gravy is a sin either, but if a Brother wants to swear off both because they're proscribed in his Bible, I believe he should. Moreover, I believe that I should do what I can to help him walk the path he has chosen for himself, but he also needs to understand that he does not get to make that choice for anyone but him.
Agreed. This makes sense since the issue is both Political and Religious oriented.Sexual orientation should be left at the door just as religion and politics.
I used to think that too until published research told me otherwise....That being said I can also say that i believe a persons sexuality is a matter of prefference, just like the use of tobacco or alcohol.
Me too. Until of course, the person in question's behavior shows me differently.But I will give you this, if you put married, I would have to assume that you are straight.
I believe a Lodge that knew of his orientation before hand should not object to this.In sticking to the topic, I believe that if there were an event that was being held, for instance, the Christmas Dinner, then it would not be appropriate for a Gay man to bring his partner to said event.
Open expression of sexuality --Straight of Gay -- in Lodge and Lodge activities should not occur. It's simply not the place for it.This will probably ruffle some feathers. I feel that sexuality, or at least the open practice thereof, is a matter of choice. Race is not.
Not to mention that multiple wife trend started by that guy Tubal......That very VSL say I can have my children stoned top death for misbehaving, is that of the mind of God?
Agreed!...I wouldn't want to look over at an event and see him and his date making out, but that would be for any couple regardless of their makeup. ...
Even if this were possible, Logical Proofs are no guarentee of valid conclusions. Logic can be flawless and still not provide Light other than flawless Logic. They are not one in the same thing....Show me a logical proof (trigonometry term) where homosexuality threatens mankind's pursuit of happiness, either individually or as a whole.
Agreed! Rejection or resistance should not be accompanied by uncivil or hostile acts.... But I'd like to think that we might find a way, as Masons, to avoid even that level of contention.
A religious proscription, while not logically defensible, is, Masonically, a perfectly valid "rule and guide" for the individual who chooses to embrace such dogma for the purposes of governing his own behavior. It is only when he attempts to apply such proscriptions to others that the friction starts.
...if a Brother wants to swear off both because they're proscribed in his Bible, I believe he should. Moreover, I believe that I should do what I can to help him walk the path he has chosen for himself, but he also needs to understand that he does not get to make that choice for anyone but him.
If you are trying to assert that homosexual behavior is unnatural, you are demonstrably wrong. It exists throughout nature.Although Homosexuals are often pleasant people to be around, Homosexuality does not give birth to Humanity. This is Nature's Law brought forth by Nature...not by man.
Fatherhood is neither a requirement nor a stated purpose of membership in our Fraternity.Aside from that, Masonry has been described by many as a sort of "Men's Support Group". Surely by "Men" they mean "Men" that are trying to raise children (of their own).
Men that are hoping to make the best of the world around them. Men that have wives. Traditionally, it's obvious to me that Masonry was designed for Heterosexuals.
Do you check your individual beliefs at the door of the lodge/chapter room and base your votes on their character?
if gays want to be masons. maybe they could start their own grand lodge system. and find a great light in masonry for themselves. so when they say ( as the rule and guide to our faith and practice) it will not be a lie. like it would be if they used ours. and then they could meet upon the level and part upon the square. as we do. we should not have to lower our standards. i am not being hateful. i am just making a suggestion. that might help them out. may god bless all of us.
Show me a logical proof (trigonometry term) where homosexuality threatens mankind's pursuit of happiness, either individually or as a whole.
This is yet another good point on the subject. I personally, have never seen proof of this.
The bottom line is that society determines what is acceptable and what is not. This varies from area to area and from time period to time period. In ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, homosexuality was a normal practice. It is currently acceptable in Australia, many parts of Europe, North America, Asia and most of South America.
That's been done already. They are referred to as "Co-Masonry" and "Female-Craft Masonry."Just throwing this out....If Freemasonry espouses tolerance, why not open the floodgates and allow women as well?
if gays want to be masons. maybe they could start their own grand lodge system. and find a great light in masonry for themselves. so when they say ( as the rule and guide to our faith and practice) it will not be a lie. like it would be if they used ours. and then they could meet upon the level and part upon the square. as we do. we should not have to lower our standards. i am not being hateful. i am just making a suggestion. that might help them out. may god bless all of us.
my beliefs are based on my teachings from the holy bible. i will not check that belief at the door. for anybody. for any reason. period. would you?
I accept my daughters chioce of being gay and I've seen her with her partner.
Ehhh, see, here's an issue. It's been proven quite often to not be a choice.