Simply because people disagree dosnt mean people are insulted, it’s called a civil discourse.Referring to the VOSL as a piece of furniture, suggesting that our obligation should not be taken literally, and insulting a MM because he protests your obvious disregard for both the VOSL and the obligation, is not taking your obligation seriously, IMHO.
At least not as seriously as some.
The craft has not thrived for over 300 years by reciting meaningless words on some book that looks pretty on the middle of the room.
It has been built and maintained by Men of strong moral fiber, whose belief in a Supreme Being and a obligation to one another is un faltering.
Many of those men still take their literal obligation, on the written word of GAOTU quite seriously.
More seriously than others.
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Why it is that my views on the esoteric nature of our craft upsets you so is beyond me however-
For your to say that the words said are meaningless says more about you and your point of view than it does mine-
If you feel you cannot engage in a discussion about this subject please just add me to your ignore list-
Personally I add people I think are trolls or generally don’t put forward valuable talking points- as a result this thread for example is shorter for me than it is for many I’m sure.
In no way do I want to live in an echo chamber but to say the VSL can only be what it literally appears to be because God said so dosnt resonate with me personally, you are of cause welcome to disagree.
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